Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Happy 40th from an old roomie

Dearest Chela!

Happy 40th birthday! You are one of the finest persons I have known. Fun loving yet driven. Risk taker, yet thoughtful. Flamboyant but considerate. Cosmopolitan yet homely, Smart and ... well ... wise, -- can't find an opposite here that fits you :).

Hoping these words soothe any incipient mid-life crisis ... no seriously, I meant it dude. It is a pleasure and privilege to be your friend... and to be here and wishing you this in spite of your free full contact highway mowing service from the summer of '98.

Sincerely hoping and wishing that things are only getting even better and happier and healthier and more prosperous from here. Maintain your touch and keep going, I am not that far behind.

Best regards,

and with the same sentiments, Anu, Rachel and David!

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