Saturday, October 9, 2010

Over the hill...finally!-)


Happy Birthday, mate! What a long strange (who knew that some vela buggers from your Pilani days will end up 'roasting' you almost 20 years thence and hence)  trip it has been! I remember our 1st and 2nd years - you  looked too serious for your own self. It was that infectious laugh of yours.....that endears most people and caused many a delicate heart flutter. Of course, you seemed oblivious (or acted so) to all such terms of endearment. I loved our convoluted and hare brained discussions whilst spread out in the modas. And to get the blood flow to return, remember those coconut oil 'maalish'es in the bloody heat at C'not. No one could mistake us for anything but Mallus with our parachute oil bottles (just like chomes had their combs stashed) tucked in our jeans pockets. 

Art'n'dee was a happening place (at least in comparison to us hapless backstage wastrels!) and you were a good reason for most of us to saunter across and distract those C-worshiping freshees. You allowed all of us was the closest that some of us got to holiness other than squinting at the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.  

I am amazed how much we have managed to stay in touch despite the distances and the 'lack of sessions'-)! The last time we made one of your culinary specials.....burnt fish=). Only you can conjure up such a dish....that tasty morsel of charred remains of something we mallus affectionately call 'meen'! Its meen varathu not meen karinjathe!. Beena came back after 2 days and she assumed that we had some cubans inside the house.

So now that you are over the hill and joined the hallowed ranks of the roaring forties, its all downhill from here but the way I look at it, we just slalom down to the valley of senility.

Too many memories....some too scandalous for an online post. So I shall come personally and share with you....I will be in Houston for a conference from October 17-21. I will be in Houston on Sunday 17th at 10:30am (United 981 to IAH). If you are free, I can come over right after checking in. Please tell Basu too.

and many happy returns of the day,

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