Monday, October 11, 2010

CCCCCCCC!! happy 40th!!

Happy Birthday Rajesh

Wish you a very Happy Birthday Rajesh. Senor' enjoy your 40th birthday. Best wishes and have a great year ahead.

Shilpi, Rajarshi and Rishabh.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Kutta!!!!

Dear Kutta,

Happy birthday!!  As you reflect back on your last 40 years and look forward to the next 60 (!!), here are some thoughts from your friends and family wishing you (or making your life miserable, as they may choose!) on this milestone.

As for me, you’ve been my friend, my confidante, my co-conspirator, my fellow couch-potato, the completer of my thoughts, the object of my love and the target of my ire (in equal measure!) and above all, my absolute rock, through these last 10 years.  Happy birthday! I hope your years ahead are filled with delicious laughter, joyful parenting, robust health, unconditional love, and a great sense of happiness and well being surrounded by everyone you love and enjoy. And yes, in no small measure, I wish for you many more tasty meals of blackened fish and biriyani, tranquil evenings with Jack n Coke and tempestuous early morning rounds of golf!

Love always...

Lordy, Lordy, Look Who's 40!!!!!!!

Dear C,

I couldn't resist the title, even though I am already 40:) I do believe that 40 is the new 27!  I think that was probably the age in which I first met you.  Even as things change and move forward, most days it still feels like we are all 27 again! I want to thank you for the friendship that has evolved over the years.  You are such a good person all around! You are a rock solid friend who shows a gentle warmth and kindheartedness that is unmatched!

Happy, happy Birthday C!!

Minal, Hemang, Aidan and Amaya

Happy 40th Birthday Dude!

Hey C
Still can't forget the Pilani days with your unique hairdo (which I'm sure must've been quite a task to maintain) and how can we forget those 'C' jokes made by Mirchi? Its been a long time man. A very happy birthday to you and wish you many more to come!

Lots of love

You know you are 40 when....

You know you are 40 when:


A very happy 40th to you!!

Age is a high price to pay for maturity. But it is said that Forty is the new F-word... so, cheers to an exciting next phase of life!!

As you embark on this journey, we wish you fun filled and thrilling days of food, drinks and laughter!

Deepak & Preethi

40 is Over-rated!

Like most things in life, 40 is over-rated, especially in your case, since your body probably felt like 40 even in your 20s and 30s :)

They say “Everything that happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” then what do I do with my New Orleans stories??? Guess, those who live in glass houses should not be throwing stones!

Looking back at Tulane days, I still remember the first day I met my namesake (that is where the similarity ends) but never realized it would develop into this lasting friendship. Maybe it was because you were the closest to normal among us MBA Indians.

It was fun sharing your love for karimeen , blackened fish / chicken but sorry ….only you took your love for blackened food to a totally different level by ordering blackened filet mignon.

As I stand on cross-roads evaluating my future in Houston, the most I would miss about Houston (if I move) is my friend circle and will always treasure the friendships and friends you brought into my life.

Also realized that you are one of the few people in Houston who has actually seen me drunk and what could be a better opportunity than this weekend maybe to relive some memories (wife permitting) for “Eh Shyam phir aye na aye” (pun intended)




Is this 20 for the 20th time or 30 for the 10th time? Happy 40th!

I don’t have nearly the same history as everyone else but I, also can resonate the same sentiment as I have been welcomed & accepted into the group. I do recall the first time meeting you!  In the short period I have known you, YOU are an awesome guy, friend, father and husband … It is very obvious, so promise to keep up with Chetti so (a lot of ) it rubs off on him.

Hope you have an awesome birthday – Many, many happy returns of the day. Don’t forget to wish your beautiful and amazing wife “Happy Birthday, too!”

Happy 4-0

Dear C,
Happy 40th! Hope you have a great day and I wish you good health and happiness forever.  The first 40 were a blast, I am sure the next 40 will be even better...

40 is the new 30!!!

Hey Rajesh,

Congratulations on reaching this milestone and best wishes for another 40+.  Remember 40 is the new 30...or so we hope.  The good news is that the years fly by much faster with each baby - the time flies when you're having fun phenomenon.  Think of this 40th birthday as getting your second wind for baby #2.

Wish you all the best and have a blast on this special day!
Namrata, Sameer, Ria, and Jai.

Happy 40th Etta!!!!!!!!!!

Happy birthday to my loving brother, friend, mentor, adviser, confidant and the most caring, generous, sincere human being I have ever come across in my life. Etta, you are my hero!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you.....

I cherish the memories from our innumerable fights growing up, our arguments, our secrets (bailing you out ;-)) and the love we have shared over the years....and here's to creating many more with our spouses, kids, our family and friends over the coming decades :)

Here's wishing you the very best that life has to offer....may god bless you with health, wealth, happiness and prosperity for the next 40 and more....

Look forward to celebrating with you soon.....


Welcome to the Club....officially there as of this week!


Many Happy Returns of the day....welcome home...

40 - the score we (I) wish to have on the front nine! We have another 9 holes to play brother!! Here's to the next 40 - Cheers!!!!!!!!!!

I was waiting to turn 40 before writing on this wall...well...thought I may get a bit wiser and would be able to tell you what turning 40 was all that I have celebrated mine and am almost over my hangover, I can barely remember what I wanted to tell you before I got here...Ooops, wait a that what 40 does to you or is it just the hangover???? Kut's...need another drink to figure that one out!!!

I still cannot forget the first time I met you...the 'Check out' meeting and the drunken nights...believe it was sometime around the same time 13 years was around Navratri and the dandiya times. Glad that the meeting went well and that we are here today....glad to have you as my brother, my BIL and a great friend to share everything that life has to offer....

Here's to the new 20's where we can afford to go after our dreams and let our credit cards worry about the rest - priceless! To all those out there who think or say that 40 and over is a downhill ride - hell yeah!! it's going downhill and we should enjoy the ride...haven't we had enough trouble working our asses off to get to the top of the hill???? Now, let's sit back, relax, get a drink and enjoy the beautiful ride down the hill!!!!!!!

Look forward to meeting you soon and celebrating OUR 40th year!!!!!! Party ON!!



YOU the man, Happy 40th Birthday Boy! We toast to you, to happy parenting all over again, toast to more tee times, toast to your badminton sessions, toast to your Bikram Yoga, toast to good appetite and we toast to memories made through in the past 5 years. Malika and myself have thoroughly enjoyed yours and Deepa's company and look forward to our times together with the kids now.

I am still a couple of years behind ya, so you know who to turn to for some advising :)

Happy Birthday to you!

Jaivir, Malika and Sabra


Rajesh, Wishing you a very Happy 39A this year! Once you hit 40 you start hitting letters, so you have a long way to go till Z ....."C"  :) Wishing you all the best. Malika

Happy Birthday!!

Happy birthday Dear Rajesh mama.

This is appu wishing happy bday on our behalf
this is a short video to you:
Aditeya Sajeev

Happy BDAY!!!!!!

Happy birthday Rajesh! LOL

from Sindhu Chechi & Sajeev Chetan

The special big birthday is finally here :-)


Dear Rajesh

We want you to understand
Turning 40 is really not that bad
Just look at what all you’ve achieved
And experiences that you’ve had

For life begins at 40
This is what they say
So you should be celebrating
This very special day

And at this point in your life
The English called it the middle age
Just open life’s big diary
And start a brand new page

So with this rhyming poem
Best wishes we send to you
On your 40th birthday
And through the entire year too

Still wondering where and when those wonder years melted away, Rajesh? It all depends on whether you see your glass Half empty or half full...! (Dont we simply love Daniels flowing out of our glasses all the time..?!)

Let the laughter wrinkle your face a bit.....Bring on the merriment ....your 40th is finally here...!!

Celebrations here have already begun....and the above is a result of 2 pegs down...hic! and rest assured...we will post more up when  few more go down....!)

Bring it on...

Divya and Aj

happy b'day dear Rajesh

Dear  Rajesh...

wish u a very happy 40th b'day....may god bless all of you.

Unni Mama & Valliamma

Naughty at 40 !!!!!!!!

Hi da....

i still remember the summer hols and the great time we used to have.....difficult to believe that we u are 40 yrs young and that i still have 10 yrs + to join the club :)  well life goes on but memories live for ever. Age is like well matured scotch .....gets better with every passing have tons and tons of fun and enjoy all the good things that life has to offer.

rest of the gyan in person....

hv a great b'day and a wonderful life ahead...

arun & shalini

Hey C - you don't look 40!

That's right - you don't really look 40 - what's the secret, man? Dove?
But hey - here's wishing you a very very very happy 40th -
A celebration of the achievements, fun, drama, pain, ups and downs, finding Deepa, and creating Ashu
A brilliant start to the next 50,
For us it started like this:
Old times at Yorktown, eating rice and ginger pickle and bbqs by the pool-sides, almost wingies :o)
Then Carlton, Diwali poker nights
Sting concerts, mmmm
Gillian mini-golf and a dance floor
Hot Springs in Arkansas...
with certain people having to hold on to their shorts due to your great efforts to bring them down
Fun heated discussions on practically everything,
Resolved with alchohol, Sienfield, jokes, pokes, - the usual BITSian routine
Times changed ...
New job, new home
And then little Ashu joined the club...
We left the US, but then there was Paris - boys night out, and girls night out (remember? remember? ;o)
And with Anish popping over every year - and representing us this year too - on your special day.
Party on! With a new one ready to join Team C - bring on the adventure, yes? Yes.

All the best and lots of love
Anish and Manjari

the new 40s club!

Hey Dude,
Happy B'day.
Can't be there for the special day but we can celebrate your 40th anytime this year.. (hint: we can meet in vegas - midway between houston & bay area. ;) )

many years have passed since our geeky days at HPS, and here's hoping for many more years to cherish our friendship!!

wishing you the very best!
rajkishore, raji, megha & taran


Dear Rajesh,
Hard to believe you have reached 40 years, still looking younger (?) .

Have a Romantic, Awesome, Joyful, Energetic, Scintillating, Happy Birthday.............


Lots of Love & Best Wishes,
Ammamma, Vijimama, Ammayi, Nivedh and Naveen.

Birthday Wishes

We may not by your side celebrating your special day with you but we want you to know that we are thinking of you and wishing  you a wonderful 40th  Birthday.

Love from Shruti, Amayi and Sivamama

You've got to be the COOLEST forty year old we know cos.... agreed to travel to Spain with seven (or was it eight ??) mad women !
......your home has been the backdrop to lots of "duff" noise and drama more than once & instead of chasing us out the next morning you actually made breakfast for us (the same mad women who drove you nuts in Spain) !! still let your wife hang out with us !!!

Here's wishing you lots of love, happiness and golf for the next forty !!!!
We are sure your girls will make it a blast for you.

Lots of Love
Divya, Prashanth, Arjun & extra special wishes from Anjali who is exactly 39 years younger than you.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Fab Forty!!!

Dear Rajesh

Its because of people like you they say 40 is the new 20 :)
Wish you a very very happy birthday filled with lots of laughter and love and childish masti. May the next decade be even more fun filled and joyous than ever before.

Cheers to the our most favorite Duff jeejaji.. You are always such fun and caring host.. thriving on all the duff craziness be it in Houston or Spain!! Looking forward to more fun times together.

Much Love,
Chikku & Kanishka

happy b'day Raju

wish u a very very happy 40 th b'day...hope u, deepa, ashu & the coming one have a very great years ahead. wish  we could be with you on this very happy and joyful day ..our prayers and wishes are always with all of you. enjoy the party ....ope you get to eatsome of your favourite dishes lile meen curry ...mutton cutty...deep fried ( karichathu) fish......hyd briyani...chicken 65 etc...etc.

with lots & lots of love.....amma & achan

Over the hill...finally!-)


Happy Birthday, mate! What a long strange (who knew that some vela buggers from your Pilani days will end up 'roasting' you almost 20 years thence and hence)  trip it has been! I remember our 1st and 2nd years - you  looked too serious for your own self. It was that infectious laugh of yours.....that endears most people and caused many a delicate heart flutter. Of course, you seemed oblivious (or acted so) to all such terms of endearment. I loved our convoluted and hare brained discussions whilst spread out in the modas. And to get the blood flow to return, remember those coconut oil 'maalish'es in the bloody heat at C'not. No one could mistake us for anything but Mallus with our parachute oil bottles (just like chomes had their combs stashed) tucked in our jeans pockets. 

Art'n'dee was a happening place (at least in comparison to us hapless backstage wastrels!) and you were a good reason for most of us to saunter across and distract those C-worshiping freshees. You allowed all of us was the closest that some of us got to holiness other than squinting at the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.  

I am amazed how much we have managed to stay in touch despite the distances and the 'lack of sessions'-)! The last time we made one of your culinary specials.....burnt fish=). Only you can conjure up such a dish....that tasty morsel of charred remains of something we mallus affectionately call 'meen'! Its meen varathu not meen karinjathe!. Beena came back after 2 days and she assumed that we had some cubans inside the house.

So now that you are over the hill and joined the hallowed ranks of the roaring forties, its all downhill from here but the way I look at it, we just slalom down to the valley of senility.

Too many memories....some too scandalous for an online post. So I shall come personally and share with you....I will be in Houston for a conference from October 17-21. I will be in Houston on Sunday 17th at 10:30am (United 981 to IAH). If you are free, I can come over right after checking in. Please tell Basu too.

and many happy returns of the day,

Friday, October 8, 2010

Happy Birthday C!


Join the over 40 club...also become naughty at the age of .....!!!:-)
Talking of naughty still remember some of my Art n' Dee "C" series....
What is dress code for Art n' Dee women?
C-Thru! :-)
Also a couple of vivid memories...a bit fuzzy but remember one 'bhanged' out trip to the desert with C trying to convince all of us that every part of our body was paining....and then there is one night in houston that will remain in our collective memories for fairly long i guess :-)
Dude...have a great day, a great year and a great life's to many more memorable moments, yet to come!
Happy Birthday from Rashmi, Pradeep, Kashvi n Kashika (incidently they just turned one!)

Happy B-day dude

C b'gr,

Happy 40 th dude. Have a great day ... I will be there in the 40 s with you soon.


Year long celebration needed !!!

Mr C

I hope you are looking to celebrate for one whole year (until Oct 2011 ) ! ! Thats what i am planning to do anyway starting next April!!

Cant believe it is over 20+ years, since the pilani days. Still clearly remember the 5th year, Malviya bhavan do nothing days !!

Hope u have a rocking next decade.. remember 40 is the new 30 !!


Way to go C!

Dude C, you are giving me confidence and guidance as to how to begin the "slide downhill" :) me you don't seem essentially different than in Pilani (ok, we won't get too much into that :)...and that's totally cool!...

Don't know if you have kept up with your art, but may I suggest a D-lawn-structure project in your backyard (contrary to Aru's suggestion :) would help _me_ be reassured that life does not degenerate after 40 :)...some buy porches, I suggest you build a giant papier-mache "Transformer" :)

BTW I do envy/resent you for being able to use art (and other talent) to get/flirt with the art'n'dee chicks :D...(I too can at least paint squares of colours :)...anyways, we all had our own "rainy-day" women :)...

Im also happy for you that you have such good friends and family who care - as evidenced by the blog-posts...its a great way to enter the second-half of this ball game (sorry, the metaphors just keep coming :)....

Talking of ball-games : ) - I think its real ballsy how you went for it and built your own business...kudos on that dude!...I name-drop your name often to friends to say hey I know some real cool guys who've done something different than just the usual wage-slavery :) kidding, I mean it...

BTW thanks for making me "vet" Suresh :)...that's added a gem to my story-store :)

Its been a real pleasure meeting up with you all every year or lets keep doing that... and hoping to see you for a belated celebration....

Wishes from Christine and Turiya...

and yeah...Happy Birthday!!...the bumps will await you patiently in the bay-area :D



Happy B'Day 'C'

Glad to see that as always you are leading the rest of us towards this important milestone!  Have a great party.  Would have loved to be there but am still glad that we will at least see you here in NJ once or twice a year.  Am going to be single in Dec/Jan later this year as the kids will be in India.  So if you can, do drop by and you/Neil/I can have a birthday party in style at my place...


Happy Birthday !!

Dear Rajesh,

Many Many Many Happy returns of the day !! Hope you have a great day with family and friends !! What a lovely way to start the next phase of life with an angel arriving soon. Have a wonderful year ahead with your beautiful girls !! To many many more years of celebration.

Best wishes,
Resh, Satty n Dhruv

Happy Birthday Rajesh!

Dear Rajesh,

Wish you a very very happy birthday! Hope you have a great day, and enzoii with the family. Here's to many many more years of having to put up with the duffers! :)

Sabi and Vishag

Happy Birthday!

Dear Rajesh,

Congratulations on this wonderful milestone! May the next phase bring you loads of love, laughter and happiness with Deepa, Aashu and the little angel.

Subha, Vinay, Tripti & Varsha

p.s. many many many years ago in her youth, Deepa once said..'he has to be really someone amazing to be able to convince me to have kids'.. need I say more  :-))

Happy Birthday, Rajesh!!

Here’s wishing one of the coolest Duff pathi’s a very, very happy 40th birthday!
I look back in amazement at your handling eight of us crazy duffs in Espana and at your patience, thoughtfulness and sense of fun through it all. Here’s hoping to many more such fun times (and we promise that you will always have company for golf outings and such!)

Hope you have a very special day celebrating with your family and friends.
May the coming years bring you good health, happiness and loads of  fun filled memories. We look forward to sharing some of those with you.

Our best wishes,
Soumya and Vijesh

Happy Birthday

Cee....Buddy....Happy 40th.....Sorry we will be missing your party....Don't go too fast down the hill!!!....Will be joining you over said hill later this year....Vallabh

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Happy 40th!

Happy birthday Rajesh! And what a lovely way to bring it in!! Hope you party it up with your girls today! Wishing you many more milestones and happy memories in the years to come.

Swati and Mukul.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Happy Bday Rajesh !

Wish you a grand 40th bday Rajesh, enjoy yourself and have a great year ahead!  Rock on !!

Amrita, Sam and Siddharth

Happy 40th from an old roomie

Dearest Chela!

Happy 40th birthday! You are one of the finest persons I have known. Fun loving yet driven. Risk taker, yet thoughtful. Flamboyant but considerate. Cosmopolitan yet homely, Smart and ... well ... wise, -- can't find an opposite here that fits you :).

Hoping these words soothe any incipient mid-life crisis ... no seriously, I meant it dude. It is a pleasure and privilege to be your friend... and to be here and wishing you this in spite of your free full contact highway mowing service from the summer of '98.

Sincerely hoping and wishing that things are only getting even better and happier and healthier and more prosperous from here. Maintain your touch and keep going, I am not that far behind.

Best regards,

and with the same sentiments, Anu, Rachel and David!

To your 40th and beyond......!!!

Dear Cee,
Congratulations on a milestone!!! Hope you have an awesome day and a fantastic year that follows!
Kanchana & Lindsay

Fun times!

Dear Rajesh,
What a great start to the 40th with this awesome blog! Looking forward to the celebrations. The pics speak volumes and here is wishing you fantastic times ahead! Best for always, Simran.

Happy 40th! birthday

Hey Rajesh,
On Oct 16th need to hear from you some crazy kick-ass mid-life-crisis resolution…I’m sure you getting some….after all its your 40th milestone b’day J

Looking forward to Oct 16th

Happy birthday!

Deepak & Prisha

have a great day

Dear rajesh,
a very happy bday and have many more.
priya chechi

Happy 40th


Happy 40th from Amita and I. Hope you are having a wonderful day today - you deserve it!

Proud to be your friend.
Amita & Sameer

Cheers to the next 60 years!!!

Dear Rajesh - Hope your 40th Birthday makes all your fantasies come true. Here is our attempt at what it may look like - if this is not your fantasy, we would love to hear what it actually is!

7.30 am    Hot breakfast at home (prepared by the special one – hopefully wife J)
8.00 am    Round of golf with the boys
12.00am   Beer & Buffalo wings at your favorite 19th hole (the local HOOTERS)
2.00 pm    Nap time
4.00 pm    Read all the messages posted by your friends
6.00 pm    Cake cutting (with Dolly Parton jumping out of the cake)
7.00 pm     Birthday Bash
10.00 pm –  Scotch & Cigars with friends
11.00 pm –  Still enough time to do 1 thing you forget (Family time)

Enjoy thoroughly – after all it is just as special as when we turned 1 (which we do not remember) or 21 (we had already started drinking prior to this, so could not remember) or 40 (trust me even this would be to tough to remember if you strictly follow what we wrote above) :)

In all sincerity (as demonstrated from our message so far), best wishes for your special day.

Happy Birthday!

Chethana & Harpreet
Happy Birthday Rajesh .  Uncle and Auntie.

In our eyes,   you never get old.

Hope to see you guys soon. 

40th it is!

Hey man, welcome to the club! The nice thing about 40 is that no-one kicks your butt anymore - they've done enough already to know you won't change now!

Happy Happy 40th again! Looking forward to the Jack and Coke and who knows what more at the party on 16th!

Manish Sood


Dear Cheta,

I am glad that you are moving forward to the next generation. The earth was unstable for the last 22 days with you and me in the same generation.

It is all good now! Happy 40th Birthday Cheta!

Talk to you more in person!! When are you scheduled to replace Chiru? You will be better at it!!



Happy 40th

Dear Rajesh:
Wishes for a very happy birthday. This is a good one this year. I know it sounds bad but 40 is
so good especially for you!
Lots of love,

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Mirror Mirror On da Wall, Who iz da Wizest of dem all????

We Wishing you a Kentucky Bourbon type सुपर-डुपर,
Halloween माफिक  krazzyy,
Picnic   type very वोंदेर्फुल,
Texan Beaches type ज़बर दस्त ,

Cooban Cigar type extra बढ़ीया , 
Diwali Celebrations type इस्पे सिअल  and
Many More Yet to Come एक दम मस्त 
और धिन चक बोले तो एक दम झकास 
40th बर्थडे, राजेश !

-यू नो हु

(बोले तो : रूपक - संहिता और हमारे दो बच्चे )

Monday, October 4, 2010

Best wishes on this wonderful day!!!! Happy birthday..

Dear Rajesh

Over the years we have known you, Rajesh, you have proven to be a wonderful husband, a wonderful father and above all, a wonderful son to us!

So, with a lot of warmth, and a lot of love - here's the two of us wishing you a very happy 40th Birthday...Have a good day and wonderful years ahead filled with happiness and love all around...

God Bless...!

The Poduval Seniors... Amma and achan..!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Welcome to 40s Blue

     Years pass by..........cant believe you have entered into this Ivy League........ appreciate things what you have got right now and value the way you are because - and this is the secret - it is real. The future you isnt yet born and may happen in different ways ( we mean you might not lose the extra weight or get fitter? Yep right.)
   The year has been very special to you with more in store.........for u and deepa....and we are waiting to see the big smiles on both your faces....
    Sugar and spice and all things what we wish you on your birthday and for all the years to come....

With lots of Love,
Suresh uncle
Pappy aunty

A Two-in-One Birthday Boy

            Birthdays bring returns of awesome dividends

            Annually into one's purely personal kitty.

            Your birthdays are never a venture capital.

            Nor do you believe in gilt-edged securities.

            Yours has been a two-in -one, thrift of God

            With self and spouse sharing the date of birth

            For pleasures of magnitude pouring in

            From a reliably rewarding Mutual Fund.

            Now on your fortuitous birthday,

            You seem to sustain your built-in gusto

            For playing a legal double entry game.

            Scheduled you are ,

            To make an additional entry

            In your fascinating family ledger.

            Slated you are,

            To make an auspicious entry

            Into your fantastic new home..

            Let this two-in-one trend,

            Toe your lovely life line,

            Tendering  the taste of mint

            Every birthday in your life's calendar.

                                                    Chandran Uncle,
                                                     Vanaja Mema.
                                                      Deepak, Preethi
                                                       Dillu, Meenu

Friday, October 1, 2010

3 CHEERS B'DAY !!!!!

Dear cheta

On this day of the eleventh of  October 2010,we both would like to
confront your imagination with three weird questions that may tickle
your itch for chosen experiences in your Yesterday-Today and Tomorrow

  1] If God appears in front of you promising to take you on a journey
      to revisit your by gone years which year would you like to return to ?
     a] the year you were resting cozily in your loving mother's lap
        chewing you little thumb
     b] the year that made you the bubbly husband of your cute wife
     c]the year you became daddy cool
     d]any other year that sticks closer to your memory lane.

  2] Today if you are given an option will you go in for events calling for
     a twenty plus twenty mind set or a twenty -twenty frame of mind?

  3] If your tomorrow's kaleidoscope is ready for a show which one of the
      following genres would you favour to display your future course of events?
       a] situation comedy b] cartoon pictures c] sentimental family drama
       d] science fiction  e] thriller  f ] action masaala.

Living close by we love you so much as a supportive and protective
elder brother and we eagerly look for all the best things to happen
in your life in the years to come.


Dillu & Meenu

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Happy 40th Birthday C !

As they say friendship is not about who you know the longest but who came and never left your side, thank you for being there for us always. You and Deepa are such an integral part of our lives in Houston, it is almost impossible to think of how it would have been without you. There are so many memories of the last twelve years, right from when you and Shyam picked us up from the airport after we got married, to being a happy Guinea pig to my cooking , the Diwali parties, birthday parties and of course our time at the Carlton ( how can we forget that) ! You are one of the most level- headed, kind hearted and with whom we can be completely ourselves, that’s ‘C’ for us. Do not ever change and may our friendship stand every test of time.

So here’s wishing you a very happy 40th birthday and hoping the coming years herald lots of happiness, biryanis, golf, friends, family and now that you have already figured out the Butterfly museum DOES exhibit butterflies,  we are sure you will have more interesting things to explore  !
Best  Wishes… Bulbul & Basu

Long way from 88B3A5...


Happy 40th! I can't be sure which is more difficult to believe - that we were once 18 or that we are turning 40. Nothing has changed and everything has changed. Wish you and Deepa all the best on your 40th and for the years ahead.

Just don't put up a D-lawn structure to celebrate!



Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Happy 40th!!

Many More Happy returns of the Day!!!

Both Shiv and me are thankful to our girls for bringing us together as Friends :-) Though we know you for a short span of time you have always impressed us with your wit,cool attitude and your love for life! Here's wishing you another 40 and more wonderful years with your loving family and friends :-)

The first forty years of life give us the text, the next thirty supplies the commentary and the rest creates history. So cheers to you for ringing in the first 40!

Shiv & Latha


Dearest Ettan,

Recall that recently, when you had a choice between two temptations, you chose the one that would get you home earlier ?  Did you discover not long ago that the volume knob also turns to the left?  Or your belief that it is no longer appropriate to enter a pool/hot tub without a shirt on?  Well, age is a high price to pay for such maturity!

"No doubt, the wine is forty years old. However, it certainly doesn't show its age".  Our heartiest congratulations to you (and Chechi! Yaay!! ) on this day, this year ..a year of outstanding significance for the family.  We are confident that this celebration is not cyclical but an uninterrupted journey replete with love, laughter and solid family values that we are blessed to be a part of.



Nameeta & Krishna